Block of the Month
From our store owner, Mary Lindquist
Announcing the theme for our new Block of the Month!
“What were women thinking as they created the blocks in their quilts through the years."
I could not let the 250th anniversary of our country go by without a 'historical-block-of-the-month' quilt. We will meet for a year. The blocks will be chosen to exemplify the history of women during that period; not necessarily designed during that period of time.
Yes, you can sign up by either calling the store or coming in.
We will request that you pay for the first month when you reserve your place. And there will be an additional fee for the finishing kit. The price for the finishing kit will be determined once we select the fabric for the background and additional fabrics used in the setting of the blocks. The details of the Block of the Month will be out in March when we have the fabrics, and block details firmly in place.
We are still working out the details, but if you are interested in getting on this list please call the store at 734-429-2900.
We will send out packets if you are not able to make it into the store

Call (734) 429-2900 or register in-person